Chapter 239: Torture (Part 3) _1


Right Hand remained silent for quite a long time before slowly saying, "Are you suggesting that an advanced civilization is monitoring Earth?"


Chen Yang, pinching his chin, his gaze seemed to pierce through the ruins and reach the sky outside, "Officer Ross, ever since we obtained the cube in Australia, didn't it indicate something? That you're not the first visitor from outer space to Earth. A long time ago, an advanced civilization had visited Earth and left behind the cube...So, this parallel universe, combined with that pitifully low probability, clearly implies that there's an advanced civilization manipulating everything behind the scenes."

"Let's go take a look at the ORIGIN..."

Right Hand pondered: "I want to see what exactly that thing is."

"Officer Ross..."

Chen Yang was taken aback, then said seriously: "Going to the ORIGIN would be too dangerous. We might expose ourselves, considering that we aren't from this parallel universe."