Chapter 244 Departure (Three)_1

Overall, the world situation was deteriorating drastically. China, in 1992, was not the formidable force it would become in the future but was struggling to cope with its own problems. The recently dismantled Soviet Union was on the verge of collapse due to the catastrophe. Western countries like the United Kingdom, France, and Germany suffered significant setbacks due to their initial ineffective responses.

Even the United States was embroiled in endless internal strife for various reasons.

In Chen Yang's view, given the current global situation, rebuilding civilization after the disaster would be a daunting task. The biggest challenge was resolving internal conflicts. However, the mutated creature issues in South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East seemed easier to solve.

If all the existing forces of various nations could be mobilized, exterminating these mutated creatures wouldn't be difficult.