Chapter 255 Detection_1

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

A chilly wind sweeps by, carrying with it flecks of snow and causing Chen Yang's whole windbreaker to rustle.

"Hmm. Is it coming?"

On the rooftop, Chen Yang looks up to see the TC-100 drone go from a tiny black dot getting larger and larger, gradually revealing its full form amidst the cold wind. With the faint sound of the rotor turning, it gently lands on the roof.

Picking up the drone, Chen Yang checks it, and finding no issues, quickly descends the building, heading towards the subway station.

To avoid being discovered by real-time remote control, Chen Yang's second task this time is allowing the drone to use inertial navigation to autonomously map and photograph New York City.

Thankfully, the increasingly perfect autonomous flight control system, along with a further expansion of the AI, ensures that even when facing multiple task demands and the complex New York City environment, the unexpected situations Chen Yang worries about do not happen.