Chapter 298: Storm (Part 2)_1

"Madam, please come with us. Your husband is waiting for you at the company."

Clustered around the woman and little girl, they helped them into the third vehicle in the procession. The fleet then quietly drove away, disappearing down the street.

At the same time, in several communities across Los Angeles, a series of caravans drove quietly into the night, all headed towards the same destination. Before long, several fleets converged into a long chain, entering Anderes' compound.

Fang Ye stood by the office window, looking at the fleet entering the compound below. After hearing the reports from the staff nearby, he released a breath he had been holding.

With the sudden large-scale outbreak of the epidemic that day, Fang Ye immediately made arrangements to allow employees to bring their families into Anderes' compound. He also arranged for personal pick-up for the families of key staff.

"I hope things aren't as bad as we think..."