Chapter 319: Australia Headquarters (Part Two)_1

The boundless green lawn extends all the way to the horizon. The vehicles slowly enter the road in the middle of the lawn, passing the "Earth Protection" logo which Anderes placed amid the flowers and heading towards the main entrance of the headquarters.

"Beep beep beep…."

The gate flickers with red lights. As soon as the convoy entered, surveillance cameras had already filmed them. When the vehicles drove up, the gate opened slowly, allowing the convoy to pass through.

Chen Yang leaned to look out of the window, noticing the outstanding landscaping as soon as entering the business park. It wasn't filled with the chirping of birds and fragrant flowers, but everywhere you look, green trees and flowers abound, the fragrance wafting to your nose. It didn't resemble a corporate location but rather a large park.

This beautiful creation was the result of Chen Yang's investment, without accounting for costs. It was necessary to achieve such a beautiful green environment.