Chapter 323 Assassin_1

If Chen Yang wanted to kill someone, chances were nobody on this planet could truly stop him. Let alone the fatal mistake these two female assassins made by turning their backs to him. Even if they hadn't run, instead targeting him with their guns, he could have effortlessly sat in the hot spring, without moving an inch, and instantly eliminate them.

They don't even exist on the same scale of species. No matter how skilled the assassin, they are no more significant than a chick in Chen Yang's eyes.

It wasn't until the two blondes women had escaped that Chen Yang slowly stood up from the hot springs, got dressed, and left the main hall.

It had taken a whole minute, the two women had vanished, Chen Yang stepped into the corridor, as if able to see the trace they left behind, he quickly arrived at the underground parking lot of the hotel.

"Vroom vroom..."