Chapter 339: Sudden Encounter_1

"Aren't you going to kill yourself?"

Just as Chen Yang was about to leave, the girl blurted out that sentence, stunning him.

He must have heard it wrong, right?

To his surprise, the girl continued in a disappointed tone in Japanese, "I thought you were going to kill yourself. I've been waiting all this time."

Chen Yang's face turned blue and purple. What was wrong with this girl's head?

"Ah, I understand now. You must have wanted to commit suicide, but upon seeing me here, you were afraid I'd save you, so you dropped your suicidal plan, am I right?"

The girl patted her chest, "In that case, continue. I'll step back so I wouldn't bother you."

Then, she quickly took a few steps back and looked at him expectantly, hoping for Chen Yang... to jump into the river.

This girl definitely had some screws loose in her head!

Chen Yang didn't want to deal with such a mad person and turned away to leave without a word.

"Hey, wait, wait."