Chapter 347: The Camp in the Darkness_1

"Beyond this, we begin treading into the Polar Night..."

Starting from March 21st, Antarctica gradually enters the Polar Night, during which the interior of the Antarctic Circle will become dim and blurry, compromising human sight.

Their pace will surely slow down during this time to avoid any danger. After all, it's no plain sailing journeying on the Antarctic glacier. One overlooked crevice or pitfall could spell disaster if they were traveling at high speed and failed to evade in time.

Sitting in the warm tent under the glow of the lamp, Chen Yang was mapping out their route using a tablet that displayed an incredibly detailed map of Antarctica - a sight not shown to the public. The map laid out the area's general topography.

Collected about four months ago, this satellite image was the most recent data available. Given Antarctica's unchanging landscape, untouched by human influence. Chen was confident it hadn't changed a bit in that time.