Chapter 366: High Risk Experiment (Part III)_1

With the hundred mice and the human-shaped concrete block locked together, at this scale, there are bound to be some mice watching it. Thus, when Chen Yang took his gaze off it, he could test whether the watchful eyes of animals had any effect.

Generally, such an experiment should be conducted multiple times. Even if the first attempt fails, other animals should be swapped in to assure the eventual accuracy of the experiment results. However, as mentioned before, if the speed and force of the human-shaped concrete block's attacks are increasing each time, then Chen Yang only has one chance to test. For the second time, who knows to what extent the force and speed of the block would have grown. Chen Yang dared not to attempt again. "Alright, Officer Ross, preparations are done."

"Then let's begin," Right Hand simply answered.

Chen Yang nodded, his pupils like needles, his whole demeanor suddenly shifted, already entering the third stage of over-frequency state.