Chapter 375: Arranging Evacuation_1

"Chen, you know very well that I don't have much time left... and you know exactly what I desire the most. Since the beginning, I've supported you unconditionally in everything you needed. I believe the price I've paid should be enough to exchange for everything I require?"

Mr. Frost drawled, "In fact, even if you want to withdraw all personnel to Australia, I don't object, but where is what I need?"

"Mr. Frost, it's already within you."

Chen Yang spread his hands helplessly, "Aren't you healthy now? Just over two months ago, you were on the brink of becoming bedridden."

"Not enough, all of this still isn't enough!"

Frost's face contorted with anger, "Chen, thus far, I've paid the price of more than fifty billion US dollars, yes, billion not million! It's not a small sum. Yet, what you've given me so far falls too short of what we agreed upon. I need a young body, not this continuously weakening, aging shell!"