Chapter 373 Luring the Snake out of the Hole_1

After laughing for a while, Feros gradually calmed down, "Doctor, I'm sorry, I was just joking. You don't need to be so tense."

Niko remained silent, still gripping the USB stick firmly. Obviously, Feros' words made him nervous.

"Ah, it's rare for me to tell a joke, you really don't need to be so tense."

Feros finished his last puff of cigarette, "Doctor, get some sleep. We still have a long distance to go."

After saying these words, without waiting for Niko's reaction, Feros simply lay down on the ground and turned off the torch.

The carriage returned to darkness, Niko's heavy breathing particularly noticeable. He hesitated, took off the USB stick from his neck, put it into his pocket, crossed his arms, and closed his eyes to rest while staying awake.

However, this silence did not last long, no more than ten minutes, when the vehicle suddenly screeched to a halt.


Feros opened his eyes much faster than Niko, cautiously moving closer to him, "Don't talk."