Chapter 18: Heishan Sect (Please follow!)"_1

"I don't understand military affairs, nor can I play politics.

Under such circumstances, I think it is enough to kill him disruptively."

Qi Yuan voiced his peculiar opinion.

"When the time comes, I will recruit some subordinates from Yijianjin and dispatch them to assist you."

After a long chat with Jin Li, Qi Yuan signed out of the game.

The demon of Yijianjin is hard to deal with during the day.

He would have to wait until nighttime to go online and deal with it.

Spending too much time online is too exhausting for the spirit, so Qi Yuan didn't stay in the game world for a long time.

"I need to adjust my routine."

Qi Yuan sensed he needed to stay up late playing the game during this period and rest during the day.

"I have to speed up, complete the game, and perhaps then I'll be able to gather all the fragments of the Heavenly Dao.

According to the theory of Heavenly Foundation Building, the Heavenly Dao is the best of all Spiritual Objects for Foundation Establishment.

If I build the foundation with Heavenly Dao, all the chief disciples of the Five Peaks should follow me!"

Thus thought Qi Yuan.

"There is still time, I should practice with my knife."

"I need to train it more frequently lately - it seems like it's about to develop a mind."

"Maybe in a month, it will cultivate its intelligence?

Why so soon?

Could it be because of my understanding of Heavenly Foundation Building?"

Walking with his kitchen knife made of ordinary iron, Qi Yuan pondered.

"I wonder if I could use it to kill a cultivator in the Primordial Pill Stage after it develops intelligence."

Qi Yuan was excited.

He had been reshaping the Spirit Refinement Technique for a long time.

The knife he cultivated must be exceptional.

He could not break through to the Foundation Establishment Stage in a short period of time to transform his strength, but the knife could give him extraordinary power.

Qi Yuan was casually strolling along the main road of Shen Guang Sect.

At this point, a group of disciples dressed in black hurried past.

These disciples were from the Golden Hall of the Shen Guang Sect.

The Golden Hall is the enforcement hall of the Shen Guang Sect, both externally and internally.

These disciples rushed down the mountain gate, obviously some kind of emergency had occurred.

However, when they saw Qi Yuan, they stopped: "Greetings, Senior Brother."

Qi Yuan nodded towards the enforcers from the Golden Hall, especially the leader: "You don't need to be so formal, you should go."

"Thank you, Senior Brother," the leader, Zheng Jianghe, replied before the group hurried off.

Qi Yuan knew Zheng Jianghe relatively well.

Because of his...curiosity, he was taken to the Golden Hall a few times and had become familiar with Zheng Jianghe.

Watching Zheng Jianghe's retreating figure, a string of words emerged in Qi Yuan's mind.

[This cultivator who has a strong sense of justice, is currently filled with murderous intent.]

"I wonder what happened at the foot of the mountain." Qi Yuan casually sat on a stone without intending to move, allowing his knife to bask in the sun.

The disciples of Shen Guang sect were whispering around him, seemingly discussing the incident of the enforcement disciples of the Golden Hall leaving in such a hurry.

"So many disciples from the Golden Hall went out, what happened?"

"Don't you know? Several murder cases happened recently in our Shen Guang Sect's jurisdiction."

"Murder cases?"

"Last night, Kind-Hearted Xu's son got married in Rong City, a joyful occasion in theory. But alas, people discovered at daylight, all eighteen members of Kind-Hearted Xu's family were murdered.

Especially the newlywed woman - she was defiled and then killed, a horrifying tragedy!"

"Such a monstrous act!"

"This kind of incident has happened three times near Rong City, with young brides being violated on their wedding nights resulting in their in-laws being annihilated."

"Who dares to commit such atrocities under the rule of our Shen Guang Sect?"

Some were filled with righteous indignation, some were heartbroken, others indifferent.

"Who else could it be but those devils of the Heishan Sect!"

Upon hearing the name Heishan Sect, the faces of all present changed slightly.

The land of Da Shang has three major sects, and Shen Guang Sect is one of them.

The three major sects are the Divine Light Sect, the Floating Mountain, and the Desire Demon Gate.

The three major sects are the most powerful in the Great Merchant Kingdom.

However, if asked about the sect that you absolutely cannot offend, it's the Black Mountain Sect, which is under these three major sects.

The Black Mountain Sect only has a few real people sitting in the Yuan Dan stage.

Strength-wise, they definitely don't compare to the three major sects.

However, the master of the Black Mountain Sect adopted a godfather named Black Chicken Old Demon.

This Old Demon is a renowned figure in the stage of Demonic Infancy and a loose cultivator. Known to hold grudges and tirelessly seeks revenge. Extremely difficult to deal with.

The Black Mountain Sect has always regarded the Black Chicken Old Demon as a dutiful son and a worthy grandson.

Despite this, the followers of the Black Mountain Sect have exploited the Old Demon's influence, becoming more and more arrogant and audacious and persistently engaging in evil.

The Black Mountain Sect's reputation is pretty rotten in the Great Merchant Kingdom.

Unfortunately, the Old Demon is too powerful and also being a loose cultivator, is quite hard to deal with.

If it is not guaranteed that he can be directly suppressed, the other sects might face his revenge.

That's why the Black Mountain Sect is so brazen.

The disciples of the Divine Light Sect are discussing with each other. Some of them feel suffocated.

What can they do about the Black Mountain Sect disciples committing evils?

They can only secretly condemn them.

This time, I'm afraid the law enforcement disciples of the Golden Light Hall going to Rong City will return without achieving anything.

At the side, Qi Yuan heard these words and muttered to himself, "An alternative universe Changwei?"

No, even more unbearable than Changwei.

Night was falling. Qi Yuan killed a chicken and made a soup to drink.

In the game, he had expended too much energy and felt somewhat weak.

He needed to recharge himself a bit.

Of course, he also shared this chicken soup with Jiang Lingsu.

After all, Jiang Lingsu had given him a jade slip of cultivation technique last time, which helped him a lot.

"Mmm, it's really good," Jiang Lingsu drank a big bowl of chicken soup, her lips were glistening, "Senior brother, your black chicken soup is really good, if you can't continue cultivation in the future, being a cook and opening a restaurant wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Then you have to act as my spokesperson," Qi Yuan glanced at Jiang Lingsu. Despite her young age, her appearance and temperament were far superior to the so-called flowers of '98 and '00 of his previous world.

"A spokesperson?" Jiang Lingsu was confused.

However, this topic did not continue. Qi Yuan needed to start playing the game.

At night, Qi Yuan entered the game.

Inside his confined clothes, it was eerily quiet.

Suddenly, a ghastly hand reached out from the ground.

Qi Yuan logged in.

He continued his stealth mission, with his divine sword in hand.

Before long, he came to a forest.

Hanging from the trees were many pieces of clothing.

If you didn't look closely, you might mistake them for hanging corpses.

Qi Yuan chose a haunt of a well-dressed monster.

He pulled out his divine sword, always on the alert and looking around.

"Sure enough, when night falls, their senses become weaker, and their communication with each other also diminishes. By how much?"

If it were daytime and he walked around carrying his divine sword so blatantly, he would surely have been noticed by the well-dressed monsters.

But as of now, there was no reaction.

This indicated their senses did indeed diminish at night.

Qi Yuan proceeded and stabbed a belly cover with his divine sword.

The belly cover shattered instantly.

He looked around; the other well-dressed monsters still hung from the trees, showing no response.

Qi Yuan smiled, "Does this mean, in one night, I could stealthily eliminate all the well-dressed monsters in this area?"

Thinking this, he moved towards the second well-dressed monster and applied the same method.

Experience +200.

Wielding his divine sword, killing felt easy and casual.

However, after killing the thirtieth well-dressed monster, the ones hanging from the tree finally reacted and woke up one after another.

Unlike their organized behavior in the daytime, these monsters appeared chaotic at night, like headless flies.

"Time to hunt!" Qi Yuan felt that this was his moment.