Chapter 108 Thanks big brother for the Rocket_1



Heavy sounds, like a massive drum echoing against the chest.

Yellow sand was swirling, dust was filling the sky.

Through the dust, vague monstrous faces could be faintly seen.

Not one, not two, but countless... ten thousand terrifying demons!

Thousands of demons running all at once, such a sight that shakes the soul, causing all courage to wane!

Amid the yellow sand, Zhao Ju saw this scene, his mind was somewhat chilled.

They were hiding nearly ten miles from the city of Nowhere, most likely shaken by the sight of the massive army, let alone Qi Yuan, the sole man on the city wall, facing the army of ten thousand demons, what a tremendous pressure that must be.

At this moment, Qi Yuan stood up on the city wall, the wind swaying his sleeves. Holding a broken sword in his hand, a contented expression appeared on his face: "The monsters are finally attacking the city!"

In the game, there were often waves of beasts attacking the city.