Chapter 121 Qi Yuan's Plan, Creation of the Blood Palace_2

Who among the mighty today is not aware of the Blood Demon?

The Blood Demon is a horrific monster, more terrifying than any major calamity.

The Venerable once said, the Blood Demon would bring destruction to the world.

Although Chen Huan is an adversary of the Venerable, he still trusts some of what the Venerable says.

"Let's call it 'Blood Palace'." Qi Yuan stated decisively.

The main reason he established the Blood Palace was to see the Canary.

When the Canary first woke him up, he didn't know at what price, but it must have been heavy.

Before he left, he transferred the Power of Reincarnation to thirteen individuals in the Blood Palace.

Now, perhaps after eons have passed, those thirteen might have fallen into the cycle of reincarnation.

He established the Blood Palace with the aim of reviving those thirteen people's memories.

Alternatively, if they still remember the Blood Palace, they would come to Lost City to meet him.

Guarding Lost City alone is futile.