Chapter 133 Direct Crush!_3

Kill, kill, kill!

As a supreme being of the Blood Palace, one naturally has to bathe in bloody rain and slaughter all who oppose.

Merely dozens of breaths were enough, for all over a hundred supremes present had fallen. Only one remained alive due to Yang Hun's purposeful reluctance to kill.

After all, even the strongest supreme being could not withstand the joint attack of a thousand supremes.

Among these thousand supremes, there were not a few great supremes too.

"Take the one left alive, offer him to the Blood Master!" Yang Hun Supreme commanded. His voice was tinged with a hint of thrill.

It's such a pity that their enemies this time were just too weak. It was a mere sweep, they didn't even get to show their clever strategies.

"Yang Hun... the Venerable is invincible. Even if you have thousands of supremes, what of it?" The human supreme saw that there was no way out for him, so he decided to be bold. "You have no idea what a formidable existence the Venerable is!"