Chapter 139 - How can Original Divine Skills not count as Divine Skills?_2

The old woman heard her and nodded, "As you command, Miss Ya."

As night fell, a flat boat was floating on the water.

Jiang Ya stood at the bow of the boat, her consciousness immersed in the jade scroll.

Every moment, she was practicing her path.

Thousands of waves rolled, the moon cast its light on the misty islet.

Suddenly, Jiang Ya opened her eyes.

The old woman also looked up, her eyes revealing a hint of solemnity.

In the middle of the sea waves, a man clad in a blood robe was walking on the water.

A full moon hung high in the sky, cold moonlight shining upon him, yet the light that reflected off him was red.

"Such a strong bloody aura!"

"How many people has he killed?"

"Blood Coat Sword God?"

At this moment, on the treasure ship of the Palace of Light, the gazes of more than a dozen Immortal Infants fell on the figure in the bloody robe on the water surface.

They looked at him with shock and a touch of fear.