Chapter 150: The Great Catastrophe is Coming, News from Wangyue Continent_3

Kang Fulu was playing chess against Qi Yuan. He placed a black piece on the board, looking triumphantly at Qi Yuan. "Junior brother, you've lost this round."

Qi Yuan glanced at the board and sighed. "I suppose I'm only suited for five-in-a-row."

Jiang Ya sat aside, her eyes smiling.

The differences in chess skills between Qi Yuan and Kang Fulu were striking.

Kang Fulu looked more smug, but a sudden thought prompted him to ask, "Junior brother, did you not attend the Fish Dragon Feast yesterday? Why didn't I see you there?"

"I was there," Qi Yuan answered. "You were with Senior Sister Jiang Ya at the time, and also... Xu Tongchen."

"Hmm, that's strange. I didn't see you," Kang Fulu commented, turning to Xu Tongchen. "Fellow Daoist Xu, did you see my junior brother?"

Yesterday, he had attended the Fish Dragon Feast with Jiang Ya, where they met Xu Tongchen, who was familiar with Qi Yuan, and the three kept each other company.