Chapter 159: News from the Moon Dynasty, The Mysterious High Priest_2

Or rather, they are not even on the same level!

Qi Yuan only exerted his oppressive aura, and these fifteen unparalleled prodigies were completely defeated.

The expressions on these prodigies were incredibly grim and filled with fear.

"The Purple Mansion?"

"You're from the Purple Mansion, how could that be possible!"

"No, even the Purple Mansion isn't this powerful, you are... the Blood-Clothed Sword God!"

These prodigies were shocked and puzzled.

Could this person actually be the legendary Blood-Clothed Sword God?

If he is the Blood-Clothed Sword God, then everything is easily explained.

Qi Yuan used his overwhelming aura to defeat the fifteen prodigies, and then turned his blazing gaze to Gu Xiaoyao, a practitioner of the Heavenly Foundation Building technique, "My attack just now was nothing to someone who practices the Heavenly Foundation Building technique like yourself.

Now… let's have a proper fight. Don't hold back because of my youth.