Chapter 168 Sending Snacks to Yin God_2

And some cultivators who used to be good at wagging their tongues have also quieted down.

In some ways, the atmosphere of the cultivation world has indeed improved significantly.

Lei Xingzhou.

The Rogue Immortal sat in front of the Pill Furnace, lost in thought.

"Watch the fire!" Suddenly, an authoritative voice sounded.

The Rogue Immortal's spirit stirred, and he immediately stared at the flame in the Alchemy Furnace.

"There must be no mistakes in this furnace of pills. It is for me to refine for Yechan." The elder reminded at the side, "The sect is in a turbulent time now and needs to make more allies."

Yaoshangmen is a large sect in Lei Xingzhou, with only one Supreme Elder in the Purple Mansion.

The Supreme Elder had secluded himself for a hundred years and did not show himself.

Rumors were circulating outside that the ancestor of Yaoshangmen had fallen, and Yaoshangmen's archenemy was secretly spying and constantly squeezing the power of the Yaoshangmen.