Chapter 266: The Person from the Upper World_2

"What kind of 'fortune'?" Qi Yuan asked without a hint of impatience.

"My dear friend from the Vast Wave Realm, you've cultivated the Path of Harmlessness, you must know something about the Nine Heavens.

What I will bestow upon you is... an opportunity to experience the grandeur of the Nine Heavens with your own body!"

The voice of the silhouette was filled with confidence and a longing for the Nine Heavens.

" Speak plainly!" Qi Yuan frowned, "People with low EQ should remain silent. You can't even communicate properly."

At this time, the respected Jasmine turned to the Blood-Clothed Sword God with a flirtatious look: "My lord means that he wants to borrow your body, taking it up to the Nine Heavens to shower me with his affection.

This is your greatest chance in life, allowing you to escape the cage and behold the grandeur of the Nine Heavens..."

"Stop sharing your gross fantasy. It's making me physically ill." Qi Yuan hurriedly replied.