Chapter 274: The Mountain of Fate_2

These Yin Gods are still too weak.

However, when the Yin Gods on the scene heard Qi Yuan's words, a wave of shock and awe welled up in their hearts.

"The Band... killed the Four Generals of the Lei Family?"

"The Blood-robed Sword God indeed has a strong base of supporters!"

These Yin Gods were shocked, as well as deeply awed.

If the Blood-robed Sword God turned out to be more terrifying than imagined and not acting alone.

The Band was able to kill the Four Generals of the Lei Family, they admitted they were at no match.

"Since you want to follow me, join the Original God Alliance and do some logistical work," Qi Yuan suggested.

After all, these Yin Gods represented about a quarter of the power within over twenty domains.

Despite their weakness, they were of some benefit.

Hearing this, these Yin Gods reluctantly acquiesced, although with certain reluctance in their hearts.

Some even breathed a sigh of relief.