Chapter 5 He has Silver_1

In terms of food, Huang An prepared relatively little, wrapping some unpacked compressed biscuits in slightly yellowed blank paper.

He crushed these compressed biscuits into small pieces.

Also, in the Myriad Worlds' dump, he left some bread.

However, he wouldn't bring this bread to the world behind the passage during the initial traversal, to avoid conflicting with the identity he set for himself.

He took his disguise to the extreme.

Once everything was prepared, and he'd learned the language well enough for basic communication, he was fully ready.

By now, twenty-nine days had passed.

The past twenty-nine days had been the most comfortable for Huang An in almost two years.

For two years, his mood had been extremely poor due to the pain caused by his illness.

The slightest upset would make him irritable, wanting to lose his temper.

Luckily, his foster parents had frequently been away traveling during these two years since his return, otherwise, Huang An would not have been able to keep his secret for so long.

Being alone meant no one to vent to, and it was like this that Huang An had endured thus far.

Today, Huang An only processed two tons of waste, halting his work after.

Thereafter, he sat in the square, contemplating whether his preparations had any flaws while looking at his gains over the past month and experiencing the few comforting moments his body could still offer.

In addition to cancer treatment drugs, Huang An's gains were actually plentiful.

Various alloy materials, books, animal carcasses, drugs, plant seeds, jewelry, diamonds, toys.....

He had displayed these very neatly.

If the opportunity were given to a healthy person, having these items alone would be enough to reach the pinnacle of life.

Regrettably, Huang An was not normal.

He was a dying man, and there was none of what he needed most here.

Huang An's gaze was wandering, his eyes showing a deep longing; he missed the feeling of a body free from pain.

He was quietly enjoying this moment.

Even though his body was still weak, feeling no pain was the greatest gift to Huang An.

Regrettably, this comfortable state would soon be departing from him.

Tomorrow would be his thirtieth day of work here, exactly one lunar month.

If he still hasn't found a cure for cancer tomorrow, Huang An decided to enter the second world to perform world traversal on the thirty-first day, which will be the day he finishes his internship.

The second anchored world was also his hope for survival.

After all, the day after tomorrow, the effects of the cancer-suppressing drug will disappear, and his life will accelerate its decline.

Huang An will increasingly weaken until he loses the ability to act and ultimately die.

While he was still capable, he needed to find a cure for himself.

At six o'clock early on the thirty-first morning, Huang An woke up in agony. The pain, similar to needles piercing into his bone marrow, twisted his face quite a bit.

He knew he doesn't have much time left. He called to arrange Achang to manage his family's waste treatment plant and also phoned his parents to provide a few false explanations.

After taking a painkiller and drinking plenty of water, and a final glance at the sleeping old cat on the bed, Huang An picked up the compressed biscuits packed in a hemp bag on the desk, clipped his dagger to his waist effectively hidden, and finally started counting down to numbers, entering the Myriad Worlds' dump.

From this point on, life and death were but a thought away.

May fortune favor him.

Myriad Worlds' dump.

[Congratulations on passing your internship assessment, becoming a formal employee of the Myriad Worlds' dump!]

[Myriad Worlds' dump Employee Cautions:]

[Daily cleaning tasks of a ton of waste have been changed to 60 tons of garbage cleaning tasks per lunar month. Employees need to collectively clean 60 tons of garbage within thirty days, there are no mandatory requirements for daily work. Friendly reminder: If not completed in due course, obliteration!]

[The ratio of time in the second anchored world and Earth: 1:1. Employees are not affected by the difference in microbial levels in both worlds.]

[Travel restrictions changed from ten seconds to three seconds!]

[Physical travel, if you die in the anchored world, it means the death of the main body. Good luck to you!]

[Current employee's task in the second anchored world: Calamity of Life and Death.]

[Calamity of Life and Death: Utilize everything and everyone in the second anchored world to eradicate your own terminal illness, ensuring normalcy.]

[Mission Reward: Unknown!]

The voice faded quickly, and Huang An stood still for two minutes, absorbing the information.

Pale in the face, with a twitch of thought, Huang An's eyes reflected a surprise.

The existence behind the Myriad Worlds' dump had assigned him a task named "Calamity of Life and Death"!

Did they want him to stay alive?

It was the same as his intention to traverse the second world.

Thus implying that the existence behind the Myriad Worlds' dump conceptually told him there's a way to cure him in the second anchored world!

Excited for a while, Huang An gradually calmed down.

He moved his feet to the center of the square, removed his clothes, changed slowly into his prepared attire, and finally picked up the prepared luggage.

Thankfully, he was careful and had done so much preparation. If he had been rash, he would inevitably fall into danger. Once dead, it would all be over.

Huang An could tolerate dying from illness but could not bear to die due to carelessness.

In the end, after checking everything without any possible items revealing his identity and origin, Huang An casually went up to the white portal— the door to world traversal.

Touching the white airflow with his hand, Huang An could only feel a massive suction coming from his palm; next, a dizzying sensation, and his figure vanished before the white portal.


West of the Daming Dynasty, Youzhou, outside Feng'an County.


Huang An vomited, his face becoming even paler, and his illness seeming to have worsened.

Even though he wouldn't "disaccustom," dying from internal and external microbial adaptation, he might die from cancer.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the land underneath him was a patch of grassland, the leaves of the grass were yellowish, indicating that it was also autumn here.

Just as he was about to straighten up and observe his surroundings, suddenly.


It was in Daming language!

Huang An startled, there were people nearby.

Had he been found out for crossing worlds?

Before Huang An could ponder deeper, another loud shout erupted by his ear.

"Spy, halt!"

The voice was extraordinarily loud, reminiscent of a tiger or leopard roaring by his ear, causing Huang An's eardrum to throb in pain.

Could this be a human voice?

Huang An was momentarily dazed by the roar. He subconsciously wiped the corner of his mouth, strained to straighten his back, and attempted to turn around and look back.

Before he could respond, he saw a dark shadow flashing in the corner of his eye. Huang An only felt a hefty blow on his shoulder, as if hit by a car.


His mind barely had time to process what happened before his world flipped upside down, and he was thrown into the air.

With a "thud", Huang An, who had passed out mid-air, smashed into a tree trunk about five meters away. He then slid down slowly, unconscious.

The pine tree swayed ceaselessly. Pine cones fell ceaselessly, hitting Huang An all over his body.

He now looked like a dead dog.


"Cough! Cough, cough, cough!"

The sound of coughing grew louder.

From where Huang An initially stood, came a series of pained coughs.

"Master, he seems, appears to be a traveler!"

A sturdy man jumped in front of Huang An, quickly determining Huang An's identity.

He placed his hand on Huang An's neck, then took a look at his complexion, exclaiming:

"Master, he's on the brink of death and currently unconscious."

Where Huang An originally stood, there was a robust middle-aged man. He was about forty, dressed in a silk robe, with a determined face, indicating that he must be someone of high status.

His dark as ink mustache, like a steel knife, added to his formidable presence.

However, the fresh blood stains on his chest and back were all indicators of his condition.

This middle-aged man's originally bleak complexion had now turned deadly pale.

If Huang An was still conscious, he would realize that the man had lost a lot of blood due to a severe injury and was sickly.

The person who was caught coughing and hit Huang An was this man.

It was apparent that he had been part of a grievous fight.

Upon hearing that the man was dying, the innkeeper furrowed his brows slightly, endured the pain, and took several steps forward. He examined Huang An's face and then shook his head.

"Pack your belongings, we leave immediately!"

He was indeed critically ill and not worth saving.

After making his decision, the innkeeper gave another command:

"Pang Han!"

A stout man appeared from the crowd. He was dressed in a short garment with bulging temples, obviously a martial arts master.

"I am here, disciple."

"Take your brothers and scout the surroundings to prevent the bandits from returning!"

"Yes, Master (Father)!"

The group of around fifty people all had their duties.

This was a protectors' group similar to a caravan, currently guarding a merchant group.

However, it seemed they had recently encountered a major battle.

The innkeeper glanced at Huang An, lost interest, and stood in place, waiting for everyone to pack.

In this era, there were dead bodies everywhere. There were still eighteen bandit corpses lying on the road outside the forest.

Obviously, he didn't want any more trouble.

This man was already dying, and now he had been mistakenly kicked away as a bandit. He probably wouldn't survive, so it's better to just leave him here.

Although he felt a slight pricking of his conscience, he was suffering a relapse of his old illness and was not in a good state. Naturally, he didn't want to bring Huang An, a man doomed to die, with him and slow down their journey.

Apart from the innkeeper, all disciples sprang into action.

Those who needed to pack their bags did so while others comforted the employer.


"Dad, this man has silver on him!"

An excited voice rang from where Huang An was lying unconscious. The voice was melodious, like the warbling of an oriole, belonging to a charming young girl.

The innkeeper looked over at the source of the sound—it was his own daughter.

Her bright eyes and white teeth made her look every bit of a young lady from a reputable family.

"A full ten taels of silver and a tael of gold, hehe!"

Zhao Le stood up, weighing the broken silver and gold in her hands, her face full of joy, boasting about her achievement to her father.

Finding where Huang An kept his money had not proven difficult for this fifteen-year-old girl.

Clearly, the girl was an expert in such matters.

The innkeeper, hearing about the silver, cast a fleeting glance at Huang An. He sighed and weakly said:

"Uh, put, cough, him on the carriage, cough!"

Innkeeper Zhao Dun managed a faint smile. After he finished speaking, he broke into another fit of coughs, a painful expression on his face.

Having just repelled the bandits, his injuries had worsened. He didn't know if he would survive.

The day was drawing to a close, and everyone quickly packed their belongings. The group was ready to set off. With a shout of command, the procession slowly started to move.

The horse-drawn carriage, located in the middle of the convoy, creaked loudly as it set off towards Feng'an County, fifty miles away.

As the forest of pine trees was still fifty miles away from Feng'an County, they couldn't make it in one day.

Zhao's martial group, was clearly going to have to find a place to settle for the night, in front of the pine forest.

After all, although they had just fended off a large gang of bandits, they were still worried about being attacked again.