Chapter 230: Mysterious Trial Method_1

At the city lord's mansion, outside the tribunal, the surge of people still moved incessantly.

The sky was overcast today, not as sweltering as previous days, making the bustling scene tolerable.

For two consecutive days, the new City Lord, Lord Zhao Yan, had thrown open the mansion doors to personally hear cases.

The efficiency was extraordinarily high. Those seeking to rectify injustices first received two silvers as an exceptional reward upon entering; they could then present their grievances.

Compared to when Li An was the city lord, no matter who was right or wrong in a case, if someone dared to file a complaint, they would be beaten first before given the chance to recount their grievances. This was now greatly improved.

Lord Zhao Yan would immediately dispatch men to apprehend those relevant to the case. Once they were present, an on-the-spot trial was conducted.