389 Cultivation of Phoenix Fairy Scripture, trial ends, shake

Having just joined the True Martial Immortal Court, the True Martial Emperor awarded him a hundred True Martial Fairy Army guards. Such treatment was likewise unmatched in the current Immortal Court, although it was true that the other seven direct disciples had the protection of the True Martial Fairy Army as well.

But apart from the first direct disciple, the others had only fifty, thirty, or about twenty True Martial Fairy Army guards by their sides.

If a hundred True Martial Fairy Army guards joined forces against an enemy, even if they encountered a common early-stage Dao Monarch, they could hold their own for a while and maybe even retreat unscathed.

This was not just a formidable force; it was also a symbol of identity and status within the True Martial Immortal Court.

Su Yu regarded the hundred True Martial Fairy Army guards before him, and the True Martial Fairy Army guards, standing upright with an aura of stern killing intent, did the same to him.