Chapter 8: Senior Brother, Can I Interrupt?_1

"Senior Brother, I'm sure I want to join." Mao Ruxue nodded.

Then, she asked hesitantly:

"However, that... that... Senior Brother, the assessments on your mountain aren't too strict, are they?"

In Mao Ruxue's mind, since the Mountain Gate has such great benefits,

The initiation test must be very strict.

She heard that those applying to be Elders in the Tianshui Sect must at least be disciples with the cultivation of the Third Realm to qualify.

She has just submitted herself to the Tianshui Sect, and now she's expected to surpass the disciples and attain the same rank as these elders.

She feared that this initiation test wouldn't be that simple.

"Initiation test?"

"Apprentice sister, may I interrupt?" Chen Chang'an turned and asked.

Mao Ruxue asked in confusion: "Senior Brother, didn't you already interrupt?"

Well, alright, I did interrupt.

I'm not going to argue about it.

Chen Chang'an didn't pay any attention to this innocent and "naive apprentice sister".

Instead, he rummaged in his bosom for a while, then took out a piece of paper and wrote directly on it.

[Today, I, Chen Chang'an, the thirty-eighth Mountain Lord of Dao Zang Mountain, at the thirty-ninth disciple induction ceremony of the Tianshui Sect,]

[on behalf of Master Yang Han, accept Mao Ruxue as an apprentice sister, and this letter serves as proof.]

After writing, he handed the paper to Mao Ruxue.

"If you really want to join my Dao Zang Mountain, sign it with your blood."

"However, you must understand that once you sign, there's no reversing it."

"Senior Brother, may I interrupt?" Mao Ruxue asked.

Chen Chang'an gave her a strange look. You, girl, what are you learning this for?


This is principle.

"Alright, I understand now. Thank you, Senior Brother."

Seeing this, Mao Ruxue didn't question anything.

But quickly took the paper, then in a swift motion, bit her finger.

She let the blood drip onto the white paper, leaving her own imprint on it.

With the drop of blood, the contract was formed!


Chen Chang'an didn't expect that the girl in front of him would be so innocent – and naive, it seems.

She just signed a random piece of paper he wrote. With normal people's thinking, wouldn't they first suspect its authenticity?

But this girl, on the other hand, didn't even glance or ask anything – she just signed it.

Such audacity!

However, since it's signed, let it be signed.

This way, he wouldn't have to go down the mountain to find more people later.

Although finding disciples is not difficult, it will surely bring a lot of troubles.

It's hard to fool the Sect.

If things could be resolved during the ceremony, that would be much easier.

As for whether this girl is naive and a little silly,

Does it matter?

No, it doesn't matter.

"Let's go then, let's head back."

Having received the disciple, Chen Chang'an picked up the mountain banner, ready to head back.

"Huh? Senior Brother, are we leaving now?"

"Don't you want to recruit more disciples?" Mao Ruxue was instantly taken aback and asked in confusion.

"No need for more recruits. This year, the Feng Shui is bad. There isn't much food on the mountain. We can't afford to keep too many people." Chen Chang'an replied without looking back.


For some reason, upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Mao Ruxue suddenly had a bad feeling.


"Ting Fei, how is the recruitment going?"

Meanwhile, at another Mountain lord's seat, the recruitment conference of each mountain was in full swing.

Among them, the main peak Tianshui Peak and Qingdao Mountain, both ranked within the top ten sect peaks, were the most bustling.

These ten mountains were the most popular among the disciples. Even though scaling them was as difficult as scaling the heavens, many headstrong disciples still chose to apply.

Out of helplessness, the Peak Masters of these ten mountains had to personally step forward to oversee the situation.

The previous conversation took place in the direction of Tianshui Peak, where Peak Master Li Daoran was questioning his disciples.

"Sect Master, everything is going well," replied a disciple.

"So far, we at Tianshui Peak have recruited a total of thirty-five disciples.

"These disciples are all capable of withstanding the pressure exerted by Elder (Fifth Realm elder) at ten percent of his full power for half an hour. They show great potential."

A disciple stepped forward to report to Li Daoran.

Wang Tingfei, an inner disciple of Tianshui Peak.

"Hmm, very good." Li Daoran nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

Then, as if recalling something, he asked:

"By the way, Ting Fei, have Su Qingfeng and Mao Ruxue arrived yet?"

"Have they both joined the peak community?"

Su Qingfeng and Mao Ruxue, these two, were the dark horses in the Tianshui Sect's disciple recruitment assembly.

Despite their young age, they were self-taught and had reached the Second Realm.

Especially that girl called Mao Ruxue, she not only reached the Second Realm,

she even flawlessly passed all the sect's tests, and while facing the pressure exerted by a Fifth Realm elder at forty percent of his full power, she could endure for more than an hour.

To perfectly pass all aspects of the Tianshui Sect's tests and to withstand an hour under the pressure of a Fifth Realm powerhouse at forty percent of his full power is quite an experience,

to not be exaggerated.

Such a disciple has a bright future as long as they do not perish,

with just a little cultivation, they will surely become a peerless powerhouse of the Fifth Realm.

Even more, given sufficient resources, attacking the Sixth Realm, and even the mythical Seventh Realm of god and demon, is not impossible!

After all, even he, who has been touted as the greatest genius of the Tianshui Sect for five thousand years, could only withstand forty percent of a Fifth Realm elder's pressure for ten minutes.

"An hour or more? Just what concept is that?" Li Daoran found it hard to imagine.

Therefore, no matter what, he was determined to recruit such an exceptional disciple like Mao Ruxue.

That's why he has come to inquire about the situation even though the disciples' recruitment assembly was not yet halfway through.

"Sect Master, I don't know," Wang Tingfei spread his hands in reply.

"Sect Master, the junior brother Qingfeng has just been accepted by us."

"However, we haven't seen any sign of junior sister Ruxue."

"It's likely that she hasn't yet seen our peak's disciple recruitment announcement."

Finished speaking, Wang Tingfei conjectured.

"Ah, got it, I see."

Upon hearing this, Li Daoran didn't think there was anything wrong.

In his opinion, the situation should be much like what Wang Tingfei had said.

Most likely, the young girl named Mao Ruxue hadn't yet seen the information about Tianshui Peak,

and once she does, she would come over. This matter didn't require urgency.

After that, following some instructions for other things, Li Daoran returned.

He returned to his seat at the sect master's high position to preside over the disciple "[Dual-choice Meeting]".

[Dual-choice Meeting: Mutual choice between disciple and mountain peak. Disciples submit their resumes and test scores to their favored mountains,

and then the person in charge of that mountain decides whether to recruit or not.

If recruited, the two sides sign an agreement to secure disciple's successful admission.]

[In case mid-term, disciple doesn't like or mountain peak in-charge doesn't want to recruit that specific disciple, admission of that disciple involes a failure.]

[Disciples failing to get enrolled lose the opportunity to choose a mountain peak.]

[Each disciple has three times to choose their favorite mountain peak of their choice. If they are still not selected after three times, they will be randomly transferred to a mountain peak that lacks disciple quota by the Sect.]

As time went by, it was quickly approaching evening.

By now, there were only a handful of disciples left on the plaza who hadn't found their favorite mountain to swear fealty to.

Only less than ten people remained, endlessly weighing their options and interviewing the mountains they wished to join.

They were all disciples who had passed the examination and did not need to worry about being rejected by the Tianshui Sect.

However, the benefits from entering Tianshui Sect for cultivation would vary greatly depending on which mountain one pledged their allegiance to.

Therefore, everyone chose very carefully and did not dare to make a decision lightly.

At this time on the high platform, Li Daoran sat quietly in his seat, waiting for the conclusion of the disciple recruitment ceremony.

However, just then, a voice rang out.
