Chapter 10: Mao Ruxue Who Suddenly Felt She Understood_1

"What's next?"

Chen Chang'an glanced at Mao Ruxue, then pointed to the temple of the sect behind him and said:

"Next, I'm going to go back to the Scripture Depository for my confinement."

"Over there is the main hall of our Daozang Mountain."

"There's a house to live in and a bed to sleep on."

"As for cultivation techniques, they're also in there. When the time comes, just choose a few to refine at will."

"Whichever type you want to refine, go ahead. You don't need to ask for my permission."

Upon saying this, Chen Chang'an seemed to remember something, and continued:

"Oh, the rice vat is in the basement of the kitchen, it hasn't been used for many years, I don't know if the rice in it is still edible."

"You can go and check it out later. If it's not edible, there should be some spirit grass in the medicinal garden to fill your stomach."

"Oh right, remember to find a draught-free room when you sleep at night, there are quite a few mosquitoes on the mountain."

"Well, that's it. If there's anything else, come find me. I'll leave first."

After speaking, Chen Chang'an took a path that led to the back mountain, heading directly toward the Scripture Depository.

He left Mao Ruxue standing there, her face blank with astonishment.



"Is that even possible?"

So, was I... abandoned?

Mao Ruxue was stunned.

However, what Mao Ruxue didn't know was that this was just the beginning.

Later, when she arrived at the so-called Mountain Gate temple and looked at the dilapidated house which was on the verge of collapse due to lack of repair, she was completely flabbergasted.

"No way, is the mountain really in such bad shape that there isn't even a decent place to live?"

Mao Ruxue then began to search inside the house.

First, she went to the cellar as Chen Chang'an had mentioned.

Indeed, there was a large water vat in the cellar, its lid was closed.

Presumably, it was filled with Lingmi grain, Mao Ruxue thought.

The next moment, she opened the vat.


However, when she opened the vat, she did not find it filled with Lingmi grain.

Instead, she found twenty or so fat and chubby Spirit rats!

Having so many rats scared the living daylights out of Mao Ruxue.

Born and raised as a young lady of the house, she had never faced such a situation.

She promptly ran out of the cellar at full speed.

Damn that cellar, Mao Ruxue swore she would never go back there again.

"I'll look for something else. I refuse to believe there's absolutely nothing left on this mountain!"

Following that, Mao Ruxue went to check other parts of the house.

The disciples' quarters, dilapidated!

The bed, broken-down!

The bedding, worn-out!

The disciples' clothes, intact (dirt-avoiding robes), but were they either too small to wear or too big to fit!

The kitchen stove, decrepit, covered in dust!


After her inspection, Mao Ruxue fell into a deep speechlessness.

[My name is Mao Ruxue, and I'm in a terrible state right now.]

[Here's what happened.]

[I was drawn in by an enrolment advertisement from a place called Daozang Mountain when participating in the recruitment ceremony of the Tianshui Sect today.]

[As long as I joined the place, I could be decades ahead of my peers and become someone equivalent to the elders of Tianshui Sect.]

[Moreover, there's a chance for me to become the lord of this mountain. The benefits are appealing.]

[The only disadvantage is that the lord of Daozang Mountain seems to lack cultivation, but that doesn't bother me, as he wasn't my target from the beginning.]

[I'm a talent, a natural genius. With or without a guide, I can soar high in a few minutes.]

[Hence, after considering everything, I came here with a curious mind.]

[I originally thought entrance exams for a place like this would be difficult.]

[But surprisingly, I was admitted to Daozang Mountain easily, without any entrance exam!]

[They didn't even ask about my grades!]

[Everything felt like a big dream.]

[I felt blessed by the Daoist Ancestor.]

[However, after going up the mountain, I realised that things weren't quite as I'd imagined them.]

[Initially, the lord of this mountain, Brother Chen Chang'an, actually has no cultivation base! He doesn't fit the mould of a great cultivator who had his strength withdrawn and wound up as a waste, but rather he's someone who can't cultivate at all!]

[He doesn't even know how to perform Sword Flight.]

[He runs downhill and climbs uphill.]

[Hence, as soon as I got to the foot of the mountain, I was dragged and forced to climb the mountain for nearly an hour, until my legs softened.]

[But that's not the most horrific part.]

[The most terrifying thing is that there is no one on the mountain! No elders, no other disciples, and not even a grain of rice for dinner!]

[As for any teachers, they're here alright, but their ashes have probably returned to nature.]

[My god, did I walk into a den of thieves?]

[Fortunately, it seems the situation isn't as bad as I'd imagined.]

[Apart from the lack of guidance and shabby facilities, everything else here seems quite nice.]

[There's plenty of cultivation techniques and divine skills available here. I took a look earlier and there are over ten techniques from the Second and Third Realms just waiting for me to learn,]

[and I could even see some cultivation insights that lead directly to the Fourth Realm.]

[My god, can a disciple like me really have access to this kind of stuff?]

[That's only the first advantage. The second is that I'm about to be promoted soon.]

[Of course, the promotion I'm talking about is in terms of social status.]

[My senior apprentice brother, Chen Chang'an, is just a mortal. Now, he is said to be over thirty years old. Based on the average lifespan of seventy years for mortals,]

[in less than forty years at most, he will pass away.]

[Then, wouldn't the position of the lord of Daozang Mountain be mine!]

[So, I've made up my mind.]

[From this moment on, I'm going to practice hard and restore Daozang Mountain!]





[Let's not talk about restoring Daozang Mountain for now. The priority is to find something to fill my stomach.]

[Right, where did Brother say to find some edible grass if the rice vat is empty?]

[Oh, right. I remember now, it's in the medicinal garden!]

[Delicious spirit grasses, wait for me, I'm coming to eat you right away!]

After briefly setting her future path, Mao Ruxue excitedly stood up and ran towards the medicinal garden.

"This little brat..."

Behind the mountain, in the Scripture Depository, Chen Chang'an watched her with divine sense, and couldn't help but let out an easy smile.

It's good that this ditzy girl can adapt to this environment.

This way, he won't have to do any ideological work later on, which would be extremely tiring.

However, if Chen Chang'an knew that the reason Mao Ruxue was so happy was because she was counting on his life expectancy, it would be unknown if he'd still be pleased.