Chapter 90: The Junior Officer Asks for Orders, Cheng Huang Revolts!_4

"He's upset with the Lord."

"Upset with the Lord?"

Upon hearing this, Mao Ruxue was slightly puzzled, not understanding what this so-called 'upset' meant.

[White Impermanence] nodded, then continued:

"Ah, you are not aware, my sister."

"We three are different from those who have been nurtured by the Lord since childhood."

"'City God' was the one who converted halfway."

"Converted halfway?" Mao Ruxue was once again perplexed, and it had never occurred to her that the term 'converted halfway' would crop up in this context.

"Yes, converted halfway."

[White Impermanence] nodded, then began narrating as if reminiscing:

"This 'City God' was an old demon from a hidden Great Demon Sect."

"He was always cruel and bloodthirsty, extremely violent!"

"A few years ago, when the Lord was still the 'Earth Bodhisattva,' this old demon forcefully took residence in Rebirth Hall."

"And competed with the Lord for the position of Emperor Song."

"He lost the competition in the end."