Chapter 125: Chen Chang'an Becomes a Saint with Literary Qi from All Heavens! (Super long chapter, please subscribe!)_2

"Could it be Young Master Chen?!"

Suddenly, a figure sprang into her mind.

Dressed in white as snow, he was a peerless young man!

It was none other than the one who earlier this morning, appeared amidst an overwhelming aura.

Even more, he transformed his aura into a sword, that upon his appearance, slayed countless formidable demonic creatures. It was Chen Chang'an.

"Yes, that's my junior uncle, Sister Lin, you can rest assured. With my uncle here, nothing is a problem."

Li Zhiwan had an almost blind confidence in Chen Chang'an, her junior uncle.

He was the youngest and the last one to enter the Mountain Gate of their generation.

But, he was also the strongest and most invincible one among their generation.

Since one year ago when he left the mountains, the most common stories that Li Zhiwan heard was about her uncle Chen Chang'an.

A Great Scholar from Tianshui, a Six-Step Great Scholar, a Young Great Scholar!

So incredible!