Chapter 125: Tian Yuan's Li Gang, First Battle with Mao Ruxue!_3

In front of these house servants stood a man in a white robe, dressed like a scholar.

This scholar was surrounded by an intense white heavenly aura.

At first glance, it was clear that he was a cultivator who had refined his Literary Qi.

Plus, his cultivation level didn't seem low.

He might not have reached the fifth stage, but he certainly possessed the third or fourth stages.

These two groups of people were on the verge of battle, their hostility immediately apparent.

Around them, a large crowd had already gathered.

Chen Chang'an walked among the crowd, and after asking an old man beside him, finally understood what was going on.

In summary, this was a dispute that happened at the gate of an auxiliary courtyard of the Jixia Academy, and Lin Qingxue was here to deliver goods.

However, it seemed the goods were not accepted successfully.

The cause of the problem was simple: it appeared that Lin Qingxue's goods were damaged.