Chapter 130: Changes in Tianji Pavilion, The Xuan Ancestor of the Confucian School Appears in Tianshui, The World's Confucian Dao Begins to Split in Two! _2

Celestial Master remained silent and made a light sweep with his sleeve over the Tianji Realm, changing the scene depicted on it once more.

A red and white streak of light fell from the sky at an incomprehensible speed, crashing deep within a forest.

Soon after, the forest encountered a disaster akin to the apocalypse.

Innumerable Beast Kings and Beast Emperors residing therein were reduced to ashes, with Demon Venerates of the Daoist Master Realm amongst them.


"What is that?!"

The crowd took a sharp intake of breath and were chilling down to the bone.

Such doomsday catastrophes, they feared, would bring about their end should they face them.

Yet simultaneously, they weren't sure why Celestial Master was showing them this.

"That forest is the Land of the Undying!" Celestial Master declared.

"What?! "

"It's actually the Land of the Undying?!"