Chapter 213: Shen Xuzi rises, hand-tearing Daoist Jiemie!_1


The sudden appearance of Shen Xuzi momentarily stunned the two Daoists, Jiemie, as they had not expected an old man to show up at this juncture.

Moreover, looking at the old man, he seemed quite strong, which was somewhat unexpected.

"Fellow Daoist, may we inquire into your intentions?" Uncertain of Shen Xuzi's strength, Jiemie and his companion did not dare to act rashly.

They knew very well that this was not the Immortal Realm, and for those like them, immortals of the Primordial Nine Heavens, it was difficult to come to the Lower Realm.

Even for the two of them, it was under the meticulous planning of the Venerable One above them that they managed to come to the Lower Realm. Despite this, they couldn't afford to stay in this realm for too long.

Looking at the old man across from them, it seemed he had been residing in this world for a long time, and he seemed to be subject to few restrictions from the laws of Heaven and Earth.