Chapter 217: Reflecting the Heavens, the Immortal Monarch's Projection Arrives!_2

At this moment, both Dao Taixu felt a sense of urgency rising in their hearts.

One must know that even with their current strengths, facing the Dharma Body of the Ancient Ling Immortal Monarch would not result in defeat, but they would certainly not fight as lightly as they do now.

It is even more so if they were to compare their physical bodies. They still have not completely cleansed their corporal bodies into Immortal Bodies. Even compared to Jiemie, the two of them still fall somewhat short, not to mention an entity like the Ancient Ling Immortal Monarch.

It's the same with the Daoist methods. Currently, they are restricted by the level of the Heavenly Sea Dao spirit, unable to comprehend higher levels of Dao.