Chapter 35: Grilling Chicken with Bare Hands, such a Sin_1

Xu Yan was on the hillside, constantly practicing according to his understanding, hammering the ground into pits one after another, until the night grew deep. He had expended a great deal of his inner energy and felt tired, so he reluctantly returned to the village.

The next morning, Xu Yan, spirited, returned to the hillside to continue his training.


With a single palm strike, soil flew up three yards away, leaving a pit.

"My power has increased again, my understanding is correct, I'm still at the superficial stage, I can continue to strengthen my palm's force."

Xu Yan stared at the pit on the ground, his heart humming with excitement.

This strike was twice as powerful as before he started practicing the Descending Dragon Palm technique.

Finally, he had abandoned the fighting style that relied on brute strength.


"Let's check how my silly disciple is doing in his practice."

Li Xuan approached with a leisurely stride.
