Chapter 140 Xie Lingfeng's Fame Spreads to the Seven-Star Study Palace_2

Fu Yuntian nodded and said, "Of course, follow me."

He walked toward the inner court of the Seven-star Study Palace, with Xu Yan closely following behind him.

The other Martial Artists, for the most part, did not follow; they did not have the qualification to go and could only leave for Seven-Star City to spread the news of what they witnessed today.

This youth, he's too monstrously talented!

He defeated ten peak Grandmasters of the Seven-star Study Palace alone.

Throughout the Inner Domain, it's probably hard to find a second such monstrously talented youth.

Cold Autumn followed behind, the youth prodigy of the Sword Dao almost becoming his idol of worship; he must seize the opportunity to befriend him.

If he could receive some guidance from him, his own Sword Dao would surely make significant progress!