164 Special Physical Constitution of Su Lingxiu_1

Su Lingxiu's golden needle, although swift and powerful, is small and thus difficult to defend against. It also possesses extremely strong piercing force that ordinary martial artists' vital energy and blood can hardly withstand with ease.

Moreover, the golden needles are ever-changing. Fending off one might be possible, but not ten, eight, or even hundreds and thousands.

However, for Xu Yan and Meng Chong, they inevitably pose little threat.

After all, Su Lingxiu's comprehension of the golden needle was greatly attributed to the two of them. They have already gained some understanding of the ways of the golden needle.

Meng Chong's Great Solar Golden Body doesn't even need to deliberately block them, as the golden needles can't breach his defense.

As for Xu Yan, even though Su Lingxiu's golden needles are remarkable, under the same realm, they can't pose any threat to him.

Even if Su Lingxiu attempts ambush, the situation remains the same.