Chapter 243: Ling Domain Gate Opens, Holder of Yu Ling Can Enter_1

In the palace of Zheng Country, Emperor Zheng led a group of royal powerhouses, accompanied by several significant ministers from Zheng Country, kneeling humbly on the ground. In front of them, two figures sat in chairs.

A man and a woman.

The man had a pale face adorned with a long beard, wore a purple robe, and carried an implicit intimidating aura.

The woman was a beautiful matron clothed in a light green dress. Her hair was done up in a bun, and she showed a light indifference, refraining from casual speech or laughter.

"With the Gate of Lingyu opening, inform the Inner Domain. Those holding a Yu Ling can enter Lingyu and proceed to the Spirit Sect and noble family to which the Yu Ling belongs. Zheng Country is responsible for escorting those who hold the Jade order to the respective powers to which they belong."

The man gave his instructions in a flat tone.
