Chapter 268: Trampling the Jade God Sect, As Bandits Ransack_2

Meng Chong's colossal form, adorned in divine armor, was like a celestial deity. A swooping blade made of light hovered above the deacons and disciples, ready to cleave at any moment.

"Give, give, spare our lives!"

The faces of the Jade God Sect's deacons and disciples turned as pale as ghosts as they took out their storage bags and placed them in front of them.

Lives mattered most after all!

The golden dragon swept past, taking away all storage bags.


At this moment, the grand formation where the Jade God Sect's main hall was located started shaking. The Sect Master of the Jade God Sect was attacking the formation, intending to break out.

The message from the communication talisman was conveyed, Zhuliang and others were frantically rushing back.

"Junior Brother, let's go!"