Chapter 59 Rather than Scrounging, Smash the Bowl_1

Chapter 59

Under Frog Ridge and within the cover of nightfall, wails could be heard intermittently.

"Mummy, I'm hungry. When can we eat?" A child nestled in his mother's arms.

"Sleep, dear. If you sleep, you won't feel the hunger."

"Ughhh... Ughhh..."A burly man wailed.

"What are you whining for? Have you no shame as a man!"

"Brother, my leg... it's rotting..."

Unveiling the tattered pant leg revealed a leg severely ulcerated, exuding an offensive odor.

These people had not been faring well recently; they were forced to carry out strenuous work every day after they were reduced to slavery. The hard labor ranged from farming, city repairs, to fortifications. They were barely fed and frequently flogged. Some people, who previously held grudges against the Liu family, also took advantage of the situation to kick the downtrodden when they were down, an understandable reaction under the circumstances.