Chapter 135: Beware of Mountain Robbers_1

Chapter 135

Falling Leaves City.

As the twilight descended, not many pedestrians were left on the streets. Cheng Dalei and Xu Shenji walked on the street without weapons, Cheng's axe had already been taken back by Qin Man.

"Brother, why did you insist on taking me along?" Xu Shenji asked.

"Well, isn't it because you're a brilliant strategist and absolute genius? To be honest, I can't make it without you," Cheng Dalei rolled his eyes at Xu Shenji, "Also, call me Master. Master Ou or Ou Ba."

"Alright then, Master, you go ahead and do your stuff, and I'll do mine."

"What business do you have?"

"To drink some wine," Xu Shenji confidently said, "While you find your maiden, I will go have my wine."

"Go ahead then," Cheng Dalei waved, "Just don't miss the important stuff. We have a meeting at the tavern tomorrow."

As Xu Shenji swiftly rushed off, his speed put even the fastest horse to shame.