Chapter 173 The Battlefield That Captures Everyone's Attention_1

Chapter 173

Qingzhou, Tianyi City.

Known for its rivers and being close to the sea, Tianyi City has a thriving fishing and shipbuilding industry. It's far from the frontier, unlike Youzhou which often suffers from Rong Clan's harassment due to its harsh climate.

But even though Fang Boshan has come here, far from the Rong Clan, he still couldn't be happy.

The City Lord of Tianyi City, an old acquaintance of his, was his sanctuary. Tianyi City and Falling Leaves City were close, and they had many business exchanges. The normally good relationship between them prompted Fang Boshan to flee here. He planned to return to be the City Lord again after the Rong Clan had their fill of killing and looting.

But he was not feeling well after staying here for several days.