Chapter 354: The Treacherous Minister of Ancient Times_1

Chapter 354

Zhong Weihu looked at the man fiddling with his teacup lid who sat facing him, sensing an odd feeling stirring in his heart, although he was uncertain what had happened.

"Since Lord Zhong is here, he should, by all means, be given the chance to take his people away. However, there has been a slight incident." He Shen said.

"What happened?"

"Well, this Master Song, he was too playful and his play got out of hand, accidentally injuring one of our brothers. Right now, the brother is bedridden and unable to move."

Zhong Weihu understood that Frog Fort intended to drive a hard bargain. He didn't seem surprised by this though.

"However much money is needed for treatment, Liangzhou will cover it entirely. We can't allow our brother to suffer. Can I see the young master first?"

"Of course, of course." He Shen pushed away his teacup. "Lord Zhong, try this tea. We're in such a remote location in the northwest, I fear the tea isn't as good as the ones in Chang'an…"