Chapter 395 Mountain and River Emperor's Sword_1

Chapter 395

The lamplight flickered, as Li Letian looked up and saw that Emperor Ming had an unusually distressed expression. His eyes, too, flickered like the lamplight, as if they might go out at any moment.

"Father, we are the strong, our enemies are the weak. These bandits are but a mob. Eventually, they will be defeated," said Li Letian.

Li Letian spoke thusly, but it was unclear whether he was trying to comfort Emperor Ming or himself. Indeed, from any perspective, the Imperial Court held an absolute advantage in this battle. The final victory, it seemed, would surely belong to the Court, not the bandits of the Righteousness Church.

Yet war is not a matter of comparing data laid out on a table, of performing arithmetic to decide the victor.

Despite holding the advantage on all fronts, like everyone else, Li Letian also had a feeling of powerlessness. Above Chang'an City, crimson clouds covered the sky, heralding an impending heavy snowfall that would envelop everything.