Chapter 593 Cao Shangfei_1

Chapter 593

Wild Field Fire had not been present on the prairie for long but had already stirred up enough storm. Within a short period, he had managed to gather around five to six thousand robust men, a force that could no longer be dismissed by anyone.

The ambition of Wild Field Fire was never limited, his goal was set from the very beginning and he never doubted it since then.

However, there were two major challenges to further expand his power. Firstly, the weapon: Swords were always a luxury in the Rong Clan and they used to steal them from the Empire. But Wild Field Fire currently had no desire for friction with the Empire. Secondly, the quality of his soldiers: Almost none of his men could read, not even Wild Field Fire himself... in fact, he barely recognized any words.

If his aim was only to indulge in petty fights, it would not matter whether they could read or not. But if larger ambitions are to be achieved, current conditions would be far from enough.