Chapter 16: Shocking Rankings, Generous Rewards (2 in 1)_2

"Senior Brother, I was just wondering... just curious."

Zhang Jing hastily explained.

"I see," Senior Brother Liu reluctantly chuckled, "Zhang Jing, it wouldn't hurt to tell you. All the middle-grade legacies in the Heritage Hall require varying amounts of Dao Merits depending on their type. Among these, the Cultivation Method is the most expensive, requiring 1,500 Dao Merits to exchange."

"1,500 Dao Merits?" A hint of bewilderment flashed in Zhang Jing's eyes.

Seeing this, Senior Brother Liu had no choice but to continue explaining:

"Let me give you an example. For those ordinary disciples who get a Grade-D assessment in the exam, if we deduct the merits needed for normal cultivation, they probably need about 70 years just to scrape together 1,500 Dao Merits. So typically, they basically have no hope or necessity to exchange for a middle-grade legacy."

"If middle-grade legacies are like this, wouldn't the superior ones be even more?" Zhang Jing was shocked.


Senior Brother Liu nodded his head and sighed, "That's why only disciples from the Inner Court usually have enough Dao Merits to exchange for superior grade legacies. Of course, there are exceptions, like the two Grade-A monsters that appeared in this exam. They can directly choose superior grade legacies."

"But what I have said is not absolute."

Senior Brother Liu's tone carried a hint of solace:

"'Earning Dao Achievements' may be as difficult as climbing to the heavens for most disciples of the Dao Institute, but for some people, it is quite easy. Junior Brother, if you are interested in a superior-grade legacy, focus on cultivation. The higher the cultivation level, the easier it is to get Dao Merits."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jing showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Did you, Senior Brother, see through me?"

"Ha ha, from the time I first entered the Heritage Hall until now, who haven't I seen? You're not the first, Junior Brother, and you won't be the last. You're a young man, full of life. I understand."

Zhang Jing didn't inquire further about the specific amount of Dao Merits needed to exchange for a superior-grade legacy.

Because it was meaningless.

Whether it was the huge number of 1,500 or the example given by Senior Brother Liu, they both were clearly telling Zhang Jing one thing:

He had no hope at all now!

His consciousness returned to reality.

"Thank you for clearing my doubts, Senior Brother," Zhang Jing gratefully said, then quickly changed the topic, "By the way, Senior Brother, where is Deng An who came with me?"

"Oh, you mean Junior Brother Deng? I asked him to find his accommodations first."


Outside the Heritage Hall.

"Junior Brother Zhang, do you see those houses over there?" Senior Brother Liu pointed to a large group of buildings hidden in the trees straight ahead.

"I see them, Senior Brother."

"That's where you new disciples will be staying. Unless something unexpected happens, you will be living there for a long time."

"I have something to do, so I won't accompany you there. Feel free to choose any vacant house."

"I understand, thank you, Senior Brother!"

Zhang Jing packed up his luggage and gratefully acknowledged.

"Ha ha, it's my duty, Junior Brother, don't be polite,"

Senior Brother Liu's hearty laughter echoed.


Following a cobblestone path, he arrived in the area Senior Brother Liu mentioned.

As he walked closer, trees began to thicken on either side of the stone path, and the air filled with the refreshing scent of Spirit Herb.

It unconsciously calms people down.

The grove is vast.

Zhang Jing looked up to see several quaint courtyards seated within the grove.

Step by step—

The sound of footsteps began faintly, gradually growing clearer.

Two men and two women, all walking side by side, laughing and chatting as they approached Zhang Jing.

They seemed to know each other well.

Upon seeing Zhang Jing's figure carrying his luggage, they seemed not surprised, only at the point passing each other, a gentle woman among them slightly nodded towards Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing smiled back.

"Four people, they should all be the 'Grade-B talents' who just passed the exam. And from their usual gaze when they saw me, it's not difficult to guess that they've probably seen many people like me who just passed the exam and came here to choose a house," Zhang Jing thought to himself.

It makes sense.

All the talents from the thirteen provinces and fifty-seven counties of Nanli Country will converge here; how could there not be many people?

At this thought, Zhang Jing shook his head as though trying to shake off distractions.

Why should it matter to him if others are geniuses?

The only thing he needs to focus on now is his cultivation, striving hard to enhance his cultivation, in order to introduce Qi into his body as soon as possible, and achieve the status of a Refining Qi Realm cultivator.

He must seize every opportunity to "earn Tao Merits".

"Zhang... Brother Zhang?"

All of a sudden, an exceedingly hesitant voice disrupted Zhang Jing's contemplation.

He followed the direction of the voice.

"Brother Ji," there was a smirk at the corner of Zhang Jing's eyes, "I recognized you by your voice."

Opposite Zhang Jing...

"This can't be, did I talk too late with that senior sister last night, and now I'm hallucinating due to exhaustion? ... It seems I need to start practicing the 'Fish Dragon Harmony Record' as soon as possible, or my body won't be able to handle it."

Ji Bochang muttered to himself in disbelief.

Seeing the illusion still there, Ji Bochang closed his painting fan and put it into his sleeve, then vigorously rubbed his eyes.

Opening his eyes again — huh? Still there!

Not an illusion...

At that moment, Ji Bochang was completely dumbfounded. He subconsciously stepped back and stammered:

"Brother Zhang, are you... a human?"

"Nonsense." Zhang Jing rolled his eyes, speaking unenthusiastically.

"So, you have already started the Visualization Method of cultivation? This... How is this possible!" Ji Bochang's small, expressive eyes bulged.

This was completely different from the Brother Zhang he remembered, it was almost like he was dreaming.

"Ha-ha, Brother Ji, didn't you start a day earlier than me? I have always said that my initiation into Visualization Method was pure luck."

After a lengthy silence.

"You're bluffing!"

Ji Bochang curled his lips, his gaze complex as he stared at Zhang Jing and yelled.

For those like them to receive a Grade-B assessment, although talent is indeed the main factor, those auxiliary cultivation items also contributed significantly!

Small courtyard filled with spiritual energy, Spiritual Beast meat, and Spirit Pill...

Without these, whether he could still receive a Grade-B assessment was really uncertain.

And compared to him, what conditions went in favour of Zhang Jing? Was Ji Bochang not aware of that?

He had gotten a Grade-B assessment merely based on raw talent.

"Brother Zhang, congratulations on passing the exam and getting a Grade-B assessment. You have a promising future! Come on, you're still looking for a house, right? The one next to me is pretty good."

With Ji Bochang pulling and dragging, Zhang Jing had no choice but to follow him.

"Oh yes, Brother Ji, it seemed like you were going out when I arrived?"

"Yes," Ji Bochang, who was leading the way, turned his head back and explained, "Didn't I tell you before, Brother Zhang, that I forgot to bring my Spirit Stones. Coincidentally, someone from my clan came to Longze Market today to buy some stuff and brought the Spirit Stones along for me."

While speaking, he gestured towards the grey beast skin bag hanging from his waist.

Zhang Jing's eyes narrowed.

He seemed to have seen this bag somewhere recently.

That's right, when Coach Wang taught for the first time at the seventh temporary Institute, he pulled out a jade slip from a similar beast skin bag, except that one was black.

"Is this a storage bag?" Zhang Jing inquired, astonished.

"Whoa! I wanted to be low-key, but it was discovered by the discerning Brother Zhang." Ji Bochang spread his hands, dramatically sighing in an exaggerated tone.

Zhang Jing's face darkened, and he quickly changed the subject: "Brother Ji, there were four people when I arrived—"

"Were there two men and two women?" Ji Bochang interrupted.

"Do you know them?" Zhang Jing asked curiously.

Ji Bochang didn't answer. His expression grew heavy as he counter-asked, "Brother Zhang, do you know how many 'Grade-B Talents' have arrived here as of today?"

Zhang Jing shook his head, indicating his ignorance.

"Including you and Deng An who came today, and a person from the Ninth Temporary Institute, there are a total of seventeen people. Oh, and that doesn't include the two 'Grade-A Monsters'. Who knows how many more will come tomorrow."

Ji Bochang's tone became exaggerated.

Seeing that Zhang Jing didn't react, Ji Bochang cleared his throat and said seriously:

"Brother Zhang, you might not be very clear. According to the Dao Institute's regulations, each assessment will determine a final ranking."

"I met a senior sister yesterday. She told me that the top ten in the final assessment can receive fifty Tao merits as rewards each month in the first year of entering the Dao Institute. The eleventh to twentieth positions can receive twenty Tao merits each month, and the twenty-first to thirtieth can receive five Tao merit every month. There are no rewards for positions after thirty!"

"What? The top ten receive so many Tao merit rewards?" Zhang Jing exclaimed.