In the astonished gazes of everyone present,

the bloodstained bronze chains collided lightly with the pitch-black blade, which had been imbued with the mana of all Tao soldiers.

In that instant, all sounds vanished.

Waves of visible distortion slowly rippled in all directions, leveling a quarter of the Immortal City to the ground.

After a few breaths,

the resounding clash of metal finally reached the ears of the onlookers.

The pitch-black long knife in the sky crumbled away bit by bit.

The hundreds of Hei Jia Tao soldiers connected to its aura suddenly vomited blood from all seven orifices, some even knelt on the ground, looking extremely miserable.

And the bloodstained bronze chains trembled as they flew back into You Yuanming's hands, the divine bronze light on their surface had dimmed to an extreme.