Chapter 616 Tianyuan Academy (4K)

Duo Lai's combat power saw a significant upgrade, and Mu Yuan immediately seized the opportunity of Evolutionary Resonance for Duo Lai to capture a path to Ascension suitable for itself.

He didn't harbor the unrealistic hope that Duo Lai could find an Emperor's Path like Dead Bone did, but when Dead Bone had taken control of the second stage of Conceptual Power, it had found and embarked upon three different Holy Roads. Lapis had also found three Holy Roads.

Duo Lai...

Could it perhaps also find at least three Holy Roads?

Even though the "Master of Devouring" path was already quite impressive, without comparing it to another path, it always felt like something was missing.

Soon, the tuft of hair on Duo Lai's forehead began to perk up.

"Duo Lai has found a new Path to Ascension, well, kind of new?"

What does 'kind of new' mean?

New is new, and old is old; aren't these two distinctly different paths?