
Ahh okay okay don't whine you look like an abondoned puppy,Lucas said patting Evan's hand.

Okay let go now whiny baby ,i have work to do , Lucas said looking at Evan.

Aww okay ,i will walk you home tonight then .Evan said letting go of his hand.

You don't need to Evan ,my shift will end early today.pete said and smiled .

Oh okay but don't let me know you went with that fuse otherwise ... Evan said making a puppy face .

Okay okay ,i know now drink your coffee and go .Lucas smiled and left to work.

Now i feel a little better,ahhh now Lucas is mine .woah let's go Evan ,Evan said to himself and walked out of the cafe.

On his way back to club Evan saw fuse outside the cafe.

What are you doing here. Fuse asked raising an eyebrow.

Why, are you the only one allowed to go in this cafe ,Evan asked with same arrogance.

Naah ,you can come here all you want ,who am I to say anything.fuse said with a smug smile.

Well ,well let me warn you about something my dear little junior ,upgrade your game of getting him quick because now your rival is the one and only Evan Chen , Evan said and left from there leaving fuse alone who was fuming in anger.

Ahhh now that was satisfaction. Evan said to himself and smiled.

In the evening Lucas was ready to go home when he saw Evan coming towards him.

What are you doing here again,Lucas asked.

Umm Evan tonight our friends group is holding a party ,you are invited as well they wanna meet you so i came to tell you ,will you come ,Evan asked excitedly.

Umm,Evan ..Lucas was not sure whether he should go there or not to .

Lucas please please please Lucas .

Evan started whining again.

Oi stop whining why are you always whining whenever something does not go your way huh,Lucas asked .

I don't na Luca you come na na na na. Evan started again.

Okay okay stop being dramatic ,i will go with you but i need to go home to change first ,text me the adress i will go there. Lucas said .

Aww okay i will text you the address now ,let's meet there,byeeee my Luca , Evan said and waved a goodbye to smiling.

What a crazy freak ,Lucas said shaking his head and smiled.

Lucas went home took a shower and chose an outfit for himself,he wore it set his hair and left the house.

He took a cab to the bar Evan had texted him the address of ,but when he reached there and went inside , everyone looked at him weirdly.

Do i look bad or weird , what's with their faces and why the fuck is Evan staring at me like that.

Is something wrong with my clothes, Lucas thought looking at the crowd.

I was talking with my friends in the bar waiting for Lucas to arrive when suddenly everyone of my friends started looking in the direction of the door with their jaws hanging down.

What happened , I asked my friend Can.

Evan ,look at that , my other friend Big said as he asked me to look in the direction everyone was looking in.

I gave him a look and turned around on my seat to only find Lucas standing at the door wearing a grey croptop paired with denim jeans and denim jacket which was hanging down from his shoulders.

He is looking fucking sexy , was the only thought going on in my mind when i noticed that Lucas was really weirded by the looks people there were giving him .

And of course people will give him those looks like why not , he is looking so hot .

I looked at him for a long moment before getting up from my seat and went to get lucas.

Hey Lucas , I called him making everyone who was drooling over to come to their senses.

Ahh, Hey , Lucas waved his hand and walked to Evan .

Let's go , i will introduce you to my friends, Evan stated holding Lucas's hand.

Everyone this is Lucas , Evan said introducing Lucas to his parents.

And Lucas , this is rain , Can , Lian ,Ian , Carlos and Kane. Evan introduced his friends to Lucas.

Hello Everyone , Lucas said smiling as he sat beside Evan .

Hello beautiful , Kane said kissing Lucas's hand gently.

Hello handsome , Lucas said politely yet seductively.

Wanna have a drink with me , Kane asked as he came besides Lucas with two shots of taquilla in his hand .

Of course , who can say no to a hot man like you, Lucas said taking a glass from his hand and clinked it with Kane's glass before downing it.

Kane and Lucas started drinking while chatting with each other.

Enough Lucas , you are going to get drunk , Evan said taking the glass from Lucas's hand.

We party to get wasted darling,so don't worry and let me drink , woah ... This is so fun , Lucas said giving a flying kiss to Evan .

If you like partying then we should do it often , Kane said clinking his glass with everyone on the table.

How about you give me your number so that we can know each other better . Kane said trying to imply things .

Lucas smiled and pulled Kane dangerously close to himself , breathing in his ear seductively Lucas looked at his lips seductively and said,

You are hot but...not my type , he said and let go of Kane .