The Living Dead

Evan cried infront of the door for a long time ,he didn't know anymore who was more miserable between the two of them ,why was god so unfair towards the both of them . what had he done to deserve this and even if had done an unforgivable sin why was Lucas being punished like this ,did they not deserve happiness in their life. Evan thought and cried.

After crying and complaining enough about his life ,Evan got up again and prepared another bowl of fresh chicken soup again and went to their room again ,he opened the door and saw Lucas was sitting on the bed quietly, he went inside and placed the bowl on table and got a mop and water bucket from the bathroom and started cleaning the floor where the food had spilled before ,collecting the pieces of broken bowl from before and discarding them in the waste bin in the room.

After he was done with cleaning the mess, he washed his hands and came near Lucas sitting on the edge of the bed ,Lucas was looking at him doing all this. He sat there and hesitated a bit before slowly moving his hand towards Lucas's and said.

I know you are not able to digest this food and you don't like the taste of it ..... Evan said and touched Lucas's finger with his finger softly.

But we have to try right ,bit by bit ,please ... Evan said in a soft but begging voice moving his hand more closer to Lucas's and placing it on top of his hand.

A little ,i promise ,i won't force you if you don't like it .okay ..... Evan said pleading.

Lucas looked at him all this while keenly but didn't utter a word nor did he react to anything that Evan said.

Not getting a reaction Evan slowly took a spoonful soup and brought it near Lucas's mouth , Lucas didn't open his mouth for a while but when he saw Evan was sitting there patiently ,he slowly and reluctantly opened his mouth and drank the soup.

Evan saw that Lucas had swallowed the soup but didn't react, a little smile of victory formed on his face. he took another spoonful and fed it to Lucas , Lucas drank it without complain but as soon as Evan gave him the fourth spoon , Lucas spat it out making the bedsheets dirty , Evan looked at him adoringly and said.

Don't worry calm down ,try again okay .

He said and gave him another spoonful soup but again Lucas spat it out looking for a reaction from Evan ,but Evan didn't get angry instead everytime Lucas spat the soup out he would carefully wipe his mouth and tell him to try again.

After spitting out the soup a few more times and Evan not giving a reaction Lucas finally stopped it and drank the soup again quietly ,when he finished the bowl of soup, Evan gave him medicines and tucked him in the bed .

After making sure Lucas fell asleep Evan quietly gave a warm kiss on Lucas's forehead and carresed his hair softly .

Love i would not ever let anything happen to you ,i will always be here and keep you safe from everything, i promise my love. Evan said softly and left from there to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

After washing the dishes Evan came back to their room and took a blanket from the wardrobe and slept on the floor beside Lucas's bed.

Good night love , Evan said softly and turned the lights off.


Eat up , fuse said as he cut the flesh from a dead body in front of Lucas and gave him a big slice in the plate while the blood was still dripping down from it.

It had been a week since he held Lucas captive , Lucas had not ate this whole week and only drank water from a dirty bowl that too only two times a day and now today he was giving him human flesh to eat , Lucas was disgusted to death.

I would not eat it ,you monster ,i will rather die than eat a human . Lucas yelled with not the slightest intention of hiding his disgust towards the monster.

You won't eat humans then what will you eat you bitch,fuse yelled and slapped Lucas hard making him fall down on the floor.

Lucas wanted to fight back but he was tied up in chains so he could only struggle .

Would you eat now or not ,fuse asked again.

I said i would rather die then eat humans you disgusting animal ,do you think i am a monster like you . Lucas retorted back but in a very weak state.

Okay ,fuse said and got up ,a moment later he came back with a whip in his hand ,he hit Lucas with it .

Fuse flogged him five times before stopping and then held his jaw forcefully .

Will you eat now ,

No , i would not just kill me , Lucas said and spat on fuse's face.

I am not going to kill you ,i am going to do something worse then that bitch ,i am going to make you a living dead .fuse said menacingly and got up flogging Lucas again.

Auuughhh ,auuugggghhhhhh ,auuughhhhh , Lucas screamed in pain as tears fell down his cheeks he was in immense pain but fuse won't stop no matter what .

After an hour of flogging Lucas ,fuse threw the whip away and grabbed the piece of meat meat from the plate and forced it in Lucas's mouth ,Lucastried to retort but fuse slapped him hard again and forced the meat in his mouth .

As soon as he finished feeding Lucas the meat ,he got up kicked Lucas in stomach and left from there.

As soon as fuse left , Lucas threw up everything even the water he had drunk previously.

And from then on fuse fed Lucas human flesh for the two meals everyday.

Eat Lucas eat ,this is the food you like right , should i add some seasonings to it huh ,eat as much as you can eat .