It was time to board. They had first class, then families, then everyone else. Once we got to our seats. The kids settled in nicely. Since they didn't get the chance to nap before the flight. Once we were in the air, they were out cold. It took a few hours. After the kids got up from their sleep. We were only about 3 hours from landing. So I used the airplane wifi. I connected all both of the tablets. We each watched a movie with the kids. Kc had the boys and I had my daughter. So they got to watch an action packed marvel and we watched a Disney princess movie. Once we landed. We were picked up by a guy my step mom said was her friend. I thought he was just trying to help us. Only to find he was helping because he thought. I was going there to be with him. Which was far from the truth. He had it in his head that we were going to start a family together. So after we figured it out. We made sure to quickly find jobs and left. We ended up in a weekly. So it really was nice. I found a job as a nanny. Since I didn't need to worry about utilities. My pay was more than enough to keep the roof over our heads. Meanwhile Kc started working through a employment agency for temporary workers. We stayed there for an entire school year. Once summer got there. We already knew it was time to move on. It was too hot and crazy. Everywhere we went in Vegas was crazy. Everything about it is crazy. Men walking in trench coats naked flashing random people. People running around selling different items. Women dressed in flashy outfits based on different themes. Costumes galore. Some were performing and others were just taking pictures for a fee.
Drunks all over the place mixed with homeless people. Nothing about this place was quiet. Gun shots all the time and well I was very unhappy. Now do not get me wrong. Vegas was very beautiful. However I am not a people person. I have such a complicated personality. So many mood swings constantly. Put that together with my lack of personality. Take in the fact that I go through so many emotions each day for no absolute reason. So basically I'm pretty confused all day long. Well I used to be. Now I just have emotional avoidance. I just coax through life and every once in a while I take time to process. Well when I start to explode but same difference right. So anyway yeah. I am a weirdo sharing my weirdly screwed and twisted diary. 🤪 However my kids were very unhappy. So we decided to call around and see if we could find a house instead of a weekly. At first we were getting responses like you'll need to be in the city with a job for at least 6 months. Then it was income 3x the rent. Some places even specified no pets, no kids. I understand the no pets but the no kids thing. That was a hard one considering all things. So I stayed looking outside of Nevada. Which is when my step mom found a place in Arkansas. Over in Fort Smith. We ended up in a rent to own house. It was a bit run down but it worked. I put in a lot of time and money to it. First we had to general clean it from top to bottom. Then we redid the fence around the property. Cleaned up the trees and bushes. Added a few swings to it. Put up the kid pools. One that was really big. Like taller than me. Yes I know I'm not very tall but still. Hehe.. Then I had created a tiny self efficient pond. I added a few fishes to it and a tiny rock made waterfall. To help ensure air and all that. Honestly can't remember why I did it. My neighbor said the reason it helped stabilize it and I'll remember one day I guess. Ask I know is if I didn't my fish could've died. The plants created food and the waterfall created air I guess. Then I fixed the shack in back. Then I found this really big concrete slab that was sticking out the ground but it was sealed shut. I tried not to think about it. So I just threw sand around it. To help separate the edges I also added pool noodles on the edges. Which didn't work out. The moment my boys found it. It became their personal playground. So I put up a fence and turned it into my garden. Since I couldn't figure out what it was for. I decided to look it up. Found out that it was a very old underground cemetery. Not gonna lie. It did not sit well with me but I mean the entire earth is a cemetery. So I tried to ignore it. We were there for almost 3 full years. We only had about 2 more to go. Then we would've owned the house. However a lot of bad had happened. Like that winter was extremely hard. Like my roof caved in because a huge tree branch fell off into it. We had no water or power for an entire week already. The snow storm took it all out. Not just ours but the entire city was down. So we ended up in another weekly. I had young children and a toddler I needed to take care of. So that's exactly what we needed to do. As soon as they cleared the roads. I went to every motel and after an entire day of looking. We finally found one with an opening. It was not very big but it worked. We put everything we could save into that weekly. We lost a lot during that storm.