chapter 9 Day of chaos I

The next day, while walking to school with Tokoyami we noticed a peculiar situation

"Why is it so crowded in front of the gate?" Asked Tokoyami, looking annoyed

"I'm pretty sure it's the media. apparently, they caught a whiff that All Might is teaching here, and now they're acting like dogs trying to see him," I answered while sighing, honestly, is that what famous people have to go through?

Trying to walk through the crowd I noticed a recognizable cyan-haired villain, unfortunately, I couldn't do anything about him right now as it's illegal to just use my quirk right now, and even if I just punched him, I would have no excuse as to why 'he looks suspicious' or 'I'm from the future and know he's a villain' won't. settling to keeping an eye on him, we were interrupted by cameras and microphones being shoved in our faces.

"Hey you, we've recently got to know All Might teaches at UA, how would you describe his classes?" A young reporter asked me and Tokoyami while having multiple cameras pointed at us

"I believe he teaches all there is needed to know about being a hero" Tokoyami answers seriously, very in character of him

"Well, what about you young lady?" next the reporter points her microphone at me

"Honestly I find the classes fine, it's just his smile that annoys me," clearly annoyed I answered with a frown, which was misunderstood by the reporters as a complaint

"So you hate All Might? why is that, is there some dark secret about him?" with light shining in her eyes the reporter believes she struck gold

"Sorry but it's getting late, I have a cat in the oven and bread to feed, See-ya later crocodile!" With hurried steps, I went past the UA barrier to stop the reporters from annoying us any further

Reaching class and settling in my seat, I waited for classes to start, but today I knew would be a difficult day, as the USJ incident is going to be occurring, which means I will be combating real villains.

When class began Aizawa started by commenting on yesterday's combat training

"Anyway I saw yesterday's results of combat training and I have to say, most of you did pretty well. but Bakugo, your quirk is strong, don't lose your footing just because you get angry," Aizawa commented. Bakugo gritted his teeth because he knew it was true

"And Midoriya, you again crippled yourself to win? Stop trying to make excuses that 'you can't control it' We have all the time in the world to control our quirks, but anyway, good job" Aizawa continued, causing Midoriya to tremble in his seat, of course, Aizawa wouldn't know that Midoriya only go his quirk 3 days ago

"ah right, sorry for having this on short notice, but I'll need you to decide on a class representative" Hearing the class would be doing such a normal thing, most of us felt strange, but soon after all hell broke loose, with every student wanting to become class leader.

"Silence everyone! this job is a serious responsibility and only those who take this seriously will be able to handle it, I propose we have a class vote!" Iida said, silencing everyone in class. honestly, it wasn't such a bad idea

"do whatever you want, just finish before class ends" Aizawa retreated into his sleeping bag and hid.

The results of the representative votes weren't that interesting, as always Momo and Midoriya won, although surprisingly I got a few votes myself, of course is quickly declined as responsibility isnt my kind of thing

"Anyway, the class representative will be Midoriya and the vice-class rep will be Yaoyarozu, now go ahead and go to lunch, or prepare for the next class" Aizawa still hiding in his bag said

Quickly rushing to lunch, I sat at a nearby table, while lost in thought about what to do during the USJ incident.

Taking care of the nomu is already out of the question, as [Beelzbub] isn't strong enough to destroy him fast enough, maybe I could stop Korugiri from teleporting all of us? can [Beelzbub] destroy space? Aren't Korugiri's powers based on clouds?

"Hey, what are you so spaced out for?" hearing a voice I turned my head, seeing the table I sat at full, next to me sat Tokoyami, and in front of me sat Jiro and Ojiro.

"uh sorry, I was just thinking about some stuff" I scratched my head

"aren't you going to order?" asked Jiro, causing me to notice Mr. Rush hour looking at me waiting for me to order, i sometimes wonder if he's just a robot

"Ah- right I'll order a pizza, just pepperoni" Quickly ordering I returned to the conversation

"What were you thinking about so hard?" Tokoyami asked

"I was wondering what we would be taught during heroics class, after all, All Might didn't come today" With a quickly made excuse I saved myself from embarrassment

"That makes sense, I wonder which of the heroes we will be learning from" Tokoyami added, helping me out

"I didn't really like yesterday's combat training, my quirk isn't made for that," Jiro now with a bored expression said.

patting her back, Ojiro said 

"You can always learn martial arts to improve your combat abilities"

"Your quirk isn't made for combat, maybe you'll be a popular investigation hero, like Edgeshot" I added

"r-really?" now playing with her ear-jacks Jiro asks

"Hmm I've always wondered, how does your quirk work, is it like a sonar or like you have to actually listen for sounds?" My curiosity got the better of me, and I asked quite a personal question

"ah- it works like-"


hearing a blaring alarm, we were surprised. some of the students in the cafeteria quickly ran out, making a mess of the hallway

"What's going on over there?" asked Tokoyami, confused by the mass hysteria

"There is a security alert" I answered

"Thanks for the super helpful information, I mean what kind".... bruh 

Seeing Jiro trying to stand up and leave I quickly said

"hey... I wouldn't recommend trying to leave unless you want to be squished"

"Only Rimuru will be squished, seeing how short he is" Suddenly Ojiro opened his mouth

"you bastard" Seeing how everybody was laughing at I felt terrible, I was decently tall in my previous life, and now I have to live as a shorty.

looking towards the hallway, I noticed that the crowd seemed to be clearing out, it is most likely that Iida delivered his exit sign speech


outside of the UA building, stood the UA teaching staff in front of the gate, Nezu seemed to be thinking about something.

"It appears to be instigated" Nezu proclaimed, making the other teachers look in confusion.

"you think someone instigated this? what would be their motive?" asked Ms Midnight

"We don't know yet, but we need to dispose of this mess, this was most likely a result of a quirk, we have to be careful not to leave anything behind," said Nezu, looking at the pile of destroyed alloy metal

"Destroy something not leaving anything behind..." muttered Aizawa getting an idea

"Is there something you want to say Aizawa?" Asked Nezu, looking at the face of Aizawa

"I know this kid, with a quirk that can help dispose of this" Aizawa not hiding anything answered

"Rimuru you mean? he has quite the interesting quirk, call him over, but try to be vague so he won't get concerned" Nezu, approving of his idea, sent Aizawa to fetch Rimuru

Meanwhile, Rimuru was sitting at his desk, bored out of his mind, trying to listen to the stuttering Midoriya and the yapping Iida when the door to the class opened, Aizawa peeking into class

 "Hey Rimuru, the principal asked me to fetch you for something, it's important," said Aizawa, surprising not just the students but myself

What does that rat want? to kill me? dispose of a risk? does he want to kidnap me not seeing the light of day ever again? Panicking I quickly headed to where Aizawa led me, keeping my nerves tensed and [Beelzbub] subtly being emitted

Reaching the UA school gate, I noticed the decayed gate, Am I being used as a garbage disposal? seeing the other heroes looking at me skeptically Nezu quickly started talking

"Hello young hero, I don't believe we met, I am your friendly rat-bear principal!" with a smile, Nezu walked up shaking my hand vigorously

"Now I need your help, your quirk could be useful for what were about to do" Nezu continued leading me to the large chunks of decayed metal

"Could you destroy these gate pieces? it appears someone has destroyed the gate and made the media rush into the UA campus" Nezu said haphazardly, making the other heroes panic

"Um, Mr. Nezu are you sure you can reveal that? how will her quirk even help us?" complained Ms. Midnight

"tut tut Ms. Midnight, Let Rimuru do his thing" Nezu didn't hear any of it, and let me try to destroy what was left of the gate

quickly swinging my hand at the rubble I covered it with [Beelzbub] making it look as if it disappeared like a magic trick, making Ms Midnight embarrassed 

[Beelzbub has unlocked a new function! [Subspace] has been unlocked, you can now contain Items within [Beelzub]]

"Jesus Christ" not expecting to hear Raphael in my mind, I exclaimed making some of the teachers look at me

"Ah Jesus Christ, there are who say that he had a quirk way before the light child was born," Nezu said with some curiosity as to why I exclaimed it when I was surprised

"Anyway, thank you for the help, I'll remember this favor" Nezu continued finally letting me leave.

Rushing back to class, when entering I noticed Aizawa looking at me... how did he get there before me?

"Welcome back, Today's heroics class will be a little different. It will be supervised by me, All Might, and another pro-hero." Aizawa explained

"so what will we be doing?" Sero raised his hand, asking the question everybody wanted answered

"Today we will conduct rescue, Earthquakes, Tsunamis and even villain attacks will sometimes require rescue. Which is why we will be learning in a special venue where it will be simulated." Aizawa described vaguely making some of the students curious.

"All right, you can choose to wear your costumes, we will be leaving by bus, so change quickly" Leaving the classroom, Aizawa waited for us to change

Entering the buses we all sat down, Tsuyu started talking about Midoriya's quirk, making him nervous that she might've figured his secret out

"If we are talking about flashy quirks, we have to talk about Bakugo and Todoroki, but Rimuru's is by far the most interesting" Kirishma said, looking at the three of us with shining eyes.

"Bakugo's qurik is flashy, but his personality ruins it," Tsuyu said with a deadpan expression, causing Bakugo to scream in anger. Making for a heated teasing session by the rest of the students

"Alright everyone shut it already, we've reached our destination" Screamed Aizawa, looking out the window, I saw the USJ building in the distance drawing closer

"this is excessively big" I exclaimed, looking at the ridiculously tall dome built on the building

"that's what she said" Denki replied, earning a disgusted look from the girls

entering the USJ building we were presented with a huge walkway leading to an excessively long stairway, basically a deathtrap, in between we saw Aizawa chatting with an astronaut

"um, where's All Might?" I asked as if I didn't know he was being a workaholic

"he is late, so we will begin without him" Aizawa answered letting Ms 13 start talking

"Hello everybody, And welcome to the Unforseen Simulation Joint, also known as the USJ, where we will be training rescue situations and how to use our quirks to help the masses, as you might've already guessed, I am the rescue hero "space hero: thirteen", and I will be teaching you all" finishing her explanation, Thirteen started explaining more in detail

"as you may know, my quirk is called "black hole" which I can use to turn anything into dust," but Midoriya quickly interrupted "which you used to rescue many people from disaster right?"

 "but it is also a quirk that can easily kill, some of you might even have a quirk like that," she said subtly looking at me, but before she could continue, the lights went out. looking towards the middle of the building we saw a black cloud manifesting, a hand reaching out of it

(sorry for the cliffhanger, but I need to split this chapter into two parts, because I wanted to start steering off of the main canon and make Rimuru an actually relevant character

hope you're not too mad at me)